Navigo Awarded Qualified Education Provider™ Status from ACMP®

Navigo recently gained Qualified Education Provider™ status from the Association of Change Management Professionals® (ACMP®) for the Prosci® Change Management Certification Program.

The QEP status signals to our clients that the Prosci Certification Program aligns with ACMP's Standard for Change Management© (The Standard) and adult education best practices. As it is a generally accepted approach to change management, aligning to The Standard provides a solid base for change management education and knowledge. The Prosci Certification Program also adheres to best practices in instructional design and delivery, ensuring our clients have an opportunity to apply what they learn. For individuals seeking ACMP's Certified Change Management Professional™ (CCMP™) accreditation, successfully completing an onsite delivery of the Prosci Certification Program from Navigo will ensure a quicker review process for your application, as well as help you prepare for the CCMP exam.

To learn more about the suite of on-site Prosci courses offered by Navigo, contact Andrew Horlick or Heather Lehmann.